tt__Profile *t =;
OnvifClientPTZ PTZ(onvifDevice);
_tptz__GetConfigurationOptions tptz__GetConfigurationOptions;
_tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse;
tt__PTZConfigurationOptions *options;
int response = PTZ.GetConfigurationOptions(tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse, t->token);
Problem is that PTZ#GetConfigurationOptions returns value of 1 (#response). Object #onvifDevice seems to be fine (onvifDevice.hasPTZ returns true). I've tried debugging and onvifDevice.GetPTZUrl(strUrl) returns true and sets strUrl to which is soap_endpoint of PtzProxy object (ptzProxy.soap_endpoint = strUrl.c_str();) and it seems to be fine. Also soap_action is "" which also seems to be fine. I'm using
In PTZ proxy returns here:
tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse->soap_get(soap, "tptz:GetConfigurationOptionsResponse", "");
if (soap->error)
return soap_recv_fault(soap, 0);
Any help would be appreciated.
I've found the solution. Problem was in this line:
int response = PTZ.GetConfigurationOptions(tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse, t->token);
OnvifPTZClient#GetConfigurationOptions requests PTZConfiguration token, not profile token. So correct line would be:
response = PTZ.GetConfigurationOptions(tptz__GetConfigurationOptionsResponse, tr->PTZConfiguration->token);