I need to be able to disable this ListBoxFor() depending on the Review status. Although the code below works it shows all list items.
@Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.ListOptions, filetypes, Model.IsUnderReview ? new { @class = "disabled" } : new { @class = "multiselectFileTypes" })
What would be the syntax to disable it but just so it shows '2 items selected'?
It seems the answer is to use the Html.helper command HiddenFor(), like this
@if (Model.IsUnderReview)
//You then need to generate a hidden input for each value in SelectedRoles, as it's an array
@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedRoles)
@Html.ListBoxFor(x => x.SelectedRoles, filetypes, new { @class = "multiselectFileTypes" , id = "staticFieldM_" + Model.ID})
By creating a hidden input for each SelectedRole item you then disable the whole list.