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How to get older tag of a git repository in elixir via mix file

I am trying to install an older version of a library cqerl through mix.exs file in elixir.

This is how my code looks:

 defp deps do
      {:cqerl, git: "",tag: "v0.9.0"}

But for some reason, instead of installing the 0.9.0 tag, it is installing the latest tag.

I would like to know what's wrong with my code and how can I correctly pull the right tag from Cqerl repository.

TIA :)


  • I had to delete the mix.lock file as well along with the deps folder. So, basically I did the following:

    rm mix.lock
    rm -rf deps/
    mix deps.get

    That way, it worked.

    I am using Elixir version 1.2.4 right now, and this is a bug in mix. I came to know later that it has been fixed in master via elixir-lang irc.