I migrated from activiti explorer (community version) to alfresco activiti enterprise. Everything went ok, but now when a process starts a new TTSProcess with the following code:
runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("TTSProcess", variables);
I get the following error: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException: no processes deployed with key 'TTSProcess'
This works on the activiti explorer instance...but not on the Alfresco activiti enterprise suite
I renamed my processes from bpmn20.xml to bpmn but with no success.
Please help me out,
thank you
The exact steps i did:
I created an app (in activiti-app UI) with the processes I need. After that, I published the app. I can see that my app is deployed (in activiti-admin UI) and my first process starts to run. The second process "TTSProcess" instance that I want to start is deployed (see screenshot) I've uploaded 2 screenshots to show it.
The activiti engine still doesn't want to start up my TTSProcess by key...
Note: I'm using an H2 database
Also important: startProcessInstanceByID works
You need to add the tenant_id when calling the startProcessInstanceByKey to get it work. The API has an startProcessInstanceByKey overload where you can add the tenant_id