I have a simple AngularJs application, at the HomePage.html I have a dx-datagrid with all data, to onSelectionChanged method I added the next code:
onSelectionChanged: function (e) {
$scope.itemIdFromShowButton = e.selectedRowsData[0].id;
$scope.cardSelectedArray = e.selectedRowsData[0];
$scope.allRecordsOfCard= businessLogicOfMyApp.getVardsRecordsByCardId($scope.itemIdFromShowButton, $scope.recordsArray);
$scope.localArray = $scope.chaptersArray.concat($scope.jdskla);
here i get all Records of card, and concat it with secondary array, it works:
but, after my location is changet - array is empty:
I want use is array like a dataSource in my dx-treeview at my CardDetail.html page.
myApp.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: "Partials/HomePartial.html",
controller: "defaultController"
.when('/createnewcard', {
templateUrl: "Partials/CreateNewCard.html",
controller: "defaultController"
.when('/carddetail/:cardId', {
templateUrl: "Partials/CardDetails.html",
controller: "defaultController"
.when('/createnewrecord/:cardId', {
templateUrl: "Partials/CreateNewRecordToCard.html",
controller: "defaultController"
$routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });
may be somebody know how i can save my data ? Thanks for your answers !
P.S. i initialized $scope.localArray = [];
at header of my code.
use $localStorage
to save your array when is getting populated and if the state changes check for value in the local storage. If there is value in the local storage use that value for the array value