I am trying to edit keyboard layout and I'am getting Operation not permitted
on saving file.
So far I've tried few things without success:
cd /System/Library/Input Methods/PressAndHold.app/Contents/Resources
sudo chmod u+w Keyboard-pl.plist
vim Keyboard-pl.plist
sudo chflags nouchg Keyboard-pl.plist
sudo chmod u+w Keyboard-pl.plist
vim Keyboard-pl.plist
Any idea how can I edit it?
In fact, on El Captain files under /System (and other locations) are protected. In order to edit it you will need to disable the protection:
To disable System Integrity Protection, you can do the following:
- Boot into the Recovery HD by restarting whilst holding
.- Open Terminal (from the Utilities menu).
Run the following command in Terminal:
csrutil disable
Source here: https://georgegarside.com/blog/osx/package-incompatible-installer/ and https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/208911/the-keyboards-plists-of-pressandhold-also-can-no-longer-be-modified-to-add-the