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How to export all indicator values by MQL4 programme for all the available MetaTrader Terminal 4 History?

Is it possible to export indicator values ( with OHLC chart data ) from MetaTrader Terminal 4 for all it's available indicator by MQL4 programme?

I've downloaded historical data, loaded into MT4, now I want to make MT4 to calculate all indicators it knows ( or do it from an MQL4-code ) and later do some data mining.


  • How to make this run?

    For export, as a trivial unidirectional flow of time does not need to handle individual QUOTE-stream events, just design all you wish into an MQL4-script type of code.

    Using a MetaEditor, an integrated IDE, you can get all help even from the very first step, by a built in File->New-[Wizzard] where you choose to create a Script type of code and all the needed formal code infrastructure will get setup for you.

    You will just add the file-I/O ops and a for-based loop to visit all bars from your available history, for which you will re-calculate indicator values into the:

    //| Script program start function                                    |
    void     OnStart()
    // _______________________ setup file-IO
    // _______________________ FOR-looper:
       for ( int aBarPTR =  Bars - 1;          // start with the oldest Bar
                 aBarPTR <  EMPTY;             //       till the newest Bar
                 aBarPTR--                     //       step fwd one-by-one
       // ____________________ calc all values for [aBarPTR]
       // ____________________ move all values into file-IO
    // _______________________ close file-IO

    And you are done.

    There are two types -- Built-in Indicators and Custom Indicators

    The proposed approach works for both of these.

    Built-in Indicators

    Use MetaEditor IDE-Help to have a list of all built-in Indicator names available in your actual Build-version of the MetaTrader Terminal 4 . The scope of implemented indicators may vary.

    Enclosed find an excerpt from a custom-syntax highlighting setup, where built-in Indicators were listed separately:

    # ______________________________________________________________________
    # New-MQL4.56789 indicatorFUNCs ________________________Build 950_______
    iAC                                                                     \
    iAD                                                                     \
    iADX                                                                    \
    iAlligator                                                              \
    iAO                                                                     \
    iATR                                                                    \
    iBands                                                                  \
    iBandsOnArray                                                           \
    iBearsPower                                                             \
    iBullsPower                                                             \
    iBWMFI                                                                  \
    iCCI                                                                    \
    iCCIOnArray                                                             \
    iCustom                                                                 \
    iDeMarker                                                               \
    iEnvelopes                                                              \
    iEnvelopesOnArray                                                       \
    iForce                                                                  \
    iFractals                                                               \
    iGator                                                                  \
    iIchimoku                                                               \
    iMA                                                                     \
    iMACD                                                                   \
    iMAOnArray                                                              \
    iMFI                                                                    \
    iMomentum                                                               \
    iMomentumOnArray                                                        \
    iOBV                                                                    \
    iOsMA                                                                   \
    iRSI                                                                    \
    iRSIOnArray                                                             \
    iRVI                                                                    \
    iSAR                                                                    \
    iStdDev                                                                 \
    iStdDevOnArray                                                          \
    iStochastic                                                             \
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Custom Indicators

    Use the same Help for details on how to setup and query values from any other Custom Indicator of your wish. Just the setup is a bit tedious, but doable, examples in the Help will lead you.