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Android Studio Assistant: No clients were able to be added to your Firebase project

When using the the new (Firebase) Assistant in Android Studio to add new services I get this error:


No clients were able to be added to your Firebase project for the following reasons: An app with this package name and SHA1 is already connected to a Google project. If you have used a Google API previously, please select that project in the Connect to an existing Project list.

On the Firebase console page I had selected the option IMPORT GOOGLE PROJECTS and then I continued on integrating the Firebase Services. But when I try to use the Android Studio Firebase Assistant to add more services I get the error above.

And I can't find this "in the Connect to an existing Project list" anywhere?


  • It looks like the Firebase assistant in Android Studio at the moment only works when creating new Firebase projects and not updating existing connected Google Projects.

    When selecting the IMPORT GOOGLE PROJECTS on the Firebase console page, it did autogenerate a new OAuth 2.0 client ID for the project credentials on the Google Developer console page. The project had an existing credentials for this, so maybe some conflicts there?

    Deleting this new autogenerate credentials and creating a new project instead fixed the issue with the assistant and the message in Android Studio is now:


    Firebase project created and connected locally to module: app.