I'm experienced with MySQL, but I've just started to work with Postgres - from the terminal, how can I see the list of existing Postgres databases using the psql
I checked the documentation and I've seen this issue brought up here - https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1285/how-do-i-list-all-databases-and-tables-using-psql, where the accepted solution is to simply type psql \l
, and that makes sense to me... however, when I try this, I get the error
psql: FATAL: database "l" does not exist
but I am logged in to Postgres - if I type psql DATABASE_NAME
, no problem, I get into the database... this was an issue for me recently because I couldn't remember the name of the database that I wanted to work on. I went into another table (the name of which I did remember), then used the \l
command to see my databases and connected to the DB I needed, but I'd much rather just be able to see a list without having to first connect to a database. How can I do that?
Thanks to @Michał Sznurawa for pointing me in the right direction - from the Mac terminal, using psql -l
, rather than psql \l
does the trick.