I'm working on a geb page object with a repeating set of UI elements a div container with a text input and button within.
I am attempting the following:
class MyModule extends Module{
static content = {
textInput {$("input.editTextField")}
removeInputButton {$("button.removeButton")}
class MyPage extends Page{
static content = {
myInputs { index ->
$("div.container", index).module(MyModule)
In IntelliJ the code is highlighted in MyPage on ("div.container, index) when I hover over this I see "'$' in 'geb.Page' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.String.?)'
My goal is to be able pick an iteration of the UI and to perform something like:
myInputs(0).textInput = 'foo'
myInputs(1).textInput = 'bar'
I've referred to the documentation for Geb but by all accounts this should work. Any help would be appreciated.
This will work, it's just that your code is not type safe enough for IntelliJ to know which method you're calling. If you change your content definition to:
myInputs { int index ->
$("div.container", index).module(MyModule)
then the warning will disappear.