What I want to do?
I want to make a simple program that show the radio frequency base on the openembedded layer meta-sdr using gnuradio and rtl-sdr recipe. The program was running on the beaglebone black.
My problem:
I have run bitbake core-image-sato
with gnuradio and rtl-sdr successfully. But when I run the result python file on my target, it said that no module named PyQt4.Qwt5
which is because I use the QT GUI Range as a slider to control the radio frequency. I found that the recipe gnuradio in meta-sdr have droped the PyQwt meta-sdr github issue: PyQWT is no longer needed for GNU Radio widgets.
How can I implement the slider in flowgraph using the new version gnuradio?
PyQWT wasn't removed as dependency of GNU Radio out of fun, it was removed because it's no longer used anywhere – the current QT GUI range sliders are pure Qt, no QWT. If you use a current GNU Radio recipe, and use current GNU Radio to generate your flow graph from GRC (if you're doing that), then you won't need Qwt.