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Build error with Realm

getting below error with building code with Realm

:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac Note: Processing class DataBaseQuestion Error:A default public constructor with no argument must be declared if a custom constructor is declared. Note: Creating DefaultRealmModule Warning:File for type 'io.realm.DefaultRealmModule' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. Warning:File for type 'io.realm.DefaultRealmModuleMediator' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing. 2 warnings Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Note: A default constructor is already present in my Model or Java Bean Class.

Can anyone please help me how to resolve this?

public class DataBaseQuestion extends RealmObject{

int id;
String Question =null;
String QuestionNo =null;
List<String> optionList=null;
String typeOfQuestion=null;
String Answer = null;
String Explanation = null;


public DataBaseQuestion(int id, String question, String questionNo, List<String> optionList, String typeOfQuestion, String answer, String explanation) { = id;
    Question = question;
    QuestionNo = questionNo;
    this.optionList = optionList;
    this.typeOfQuestion = typeOfQuestion;
    Answer = answer;
    Explanation = explanation;

public String getQuestion() {
    return Question;

public void setQuestion(String question) {
    Question = question;

public String getQuestionNo() {
    return QuestionNo;

public void setQuestionNo(String questionNo) {
    QuestionNo = questionNo;

public List<String> getOptions() {
    return optionList;

public void setOptions(List<String> optionList) {
    this.optionList = optionList;

public String getTypeOfQuestion() {
    return typeOfQuestion;

public void setTypeOfQuestion(String typeOfQuestion) {
    this.typeOfQuestion = typeOfQuestion;

public String getAnswer() {
    return Answer;

public void setAnswer(String answer) {
    Answer = answer;

public String getExplanation() {
    return Explanation;

public void setExplanation(String explanation) {
    Explanation = explanation;

public String toString() {
    return "DataBaseQuestion{" +
            "Question='" + Question + '\'' +
            ", QuestionNo='" + QuestionNo + '\'' +
            ", options=" + optionList +
            ", typeOfQuestion='" + typeOfQuestion + '\'' +
            ", Answer='" + Answer + '\'' +
            ", Explanation='" + Explanation + '\'' +


  • Error:A default public constructor with no argument must be declared

    You can add the desired default constructor to the specified class and check back.


    DataBaseQuestion() {


    public DataBaseQuestion() {