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How to use Clang CompilerInstance for completion?

I have a library which uses and exposes a clang::CompilerInstance. How can I use the CompilerInstance for getting code-completion- suggestions ?

Basically I'm looking to write a function with the following signature:

vector<string> completeSnippet(
  clang::CompilerInstance CI, 
  string codeSnippet,
  int completeAtIndex

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance


  • To be honest I didn't figure out how to implement

    vector<string> completeSnippet(
      clang::CompilerInstance CI, 
      string codeSnippet,
      int completeAtIndex

    Instead, what I can provide is

    vector<std::string> completeSnippet(clang::CompilerInstance& ci,
                                        const std::string& filename,
                                        unsigned Line /* start from 1 */,
                                        unsigned Column /* start from 1 */);

    There is a workaround if you don't care much about performance, you can store the codeSnippet to a file and then pass the filename.

    As I don't know the status of the ci, for example, whether it has a target, I just clarify the approach in main method, you can easily refactor it into a function.

    int main()
        std::string Filename("test.cpp");
        unsigned Line = 7;
        unsigned Column = 5;
        clang::CompilerInstance ci;
        // Create diagnostics and target
        std::shared_ptr<clang::TargetOptions> to = std::make_shared<clang::TargetOptions>();
        // clang -v
        //to->Triple = "x86_64-pc-win32";
        //to->Triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin";
        to->Triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin15";
        ci.setTarget(clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(ci.getDiagnostics(), to));
        // Create language options
        clang::LangOptions &lo = ci.getLangOpts();
        lo.CPlusPlus = true;
        lo.CPlusPlus11 = true;
        // Create code complete options
        clang::CodeCompleteOptions cco;
        cco.IncludeMacros = 0;
        cco.IncludeCodePatterns = 1;
        cco.IncludeGlobals = 1;
        cco.IncludeBriefComments = 1;
        // Set up the callback, I will go back to this callback class later
        auto pCustomCodeCompleteConsumer = new CustomCodeCompleteConsumer(cco);
        // Set up code complete postions & file
        // Until now I didn't find a way to pass in a string rather than a file name
        clang::FrontendOptions& frontendOpts = ci.getFrontendOpts();
        frontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName = Filename;
        frontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Line = Line;
        frontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Column = Column;
        frontendOpts.Inputs.push_back(clang::FrontendInputFile(Filename, clang::InputKind::IK_CXX));
        // Execute
        clang::SyntaxOnlyAction Act;
        if (Act.BeginSourceFile(ci, ci.getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0])) {

    I copy an implementation of the callback class from PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer in Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.cpp and Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h

    class CustomCodeCompleteConsumer : public clang::CodeCompleteConsumer {
        clang::CodeCompletionTUInfo CCTUInfo;
        CustomCodeCompleteConsumer(const clang::CodeCompleteOptions &CodeCompleteOpts)
        : clang::CodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleteOpts, false), CCTUInfo(new clang::GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator) {}
        void ProcessCodeCompleteResults(clang::Sema &SemaRef, clang::CodeCompletionContext Context,
                                        clang::CodeCompletionResult *Results,
                                        unsigned NumResults) override {
            std::stable_sort(Results, Results + NumResults, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) {
                return lhs.Priority > rhs.Priority;
            using namespace clang;
            for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumResults; ++I) {
                std::string ccStr = "";
                llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(ccStr);
                OS << "COMPLETION: " << Results[I].Priority;
                switch (Results[I].Kind) {
                    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration:
                        OS << "Decl : ";
                        OS << *Results[I].Declaration;
                        if (Results[I].Hidden)
                            OS << " (Hidden)";
                        if (CodeCompletionString *CCS
                            = Results[I].CreateCodeCompletionString(SemaRef, Context,
                                                                    includeBriefComments())) {
                                OS << " : " << CCS->getAsString();
                                if (const char *BriefComment = CCS->getBriefComment())
                                    OS << " : " << BriefComment;
                        OS << '\n';
                    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Keyword:
                        OS << "Keyword : ";
                        OS << Results[I].Keyword << '\n';
                    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro: {
                        OS << "Macro : ";
                        OS << Results[I].Macro->getName();
                        if (CodeCompletionString *CCS
                            = Results[I].CreateCodeCompletionString(SemaRef, Context,
                                                                    includeBriefComments())) {
                                OS << " : " << CCS->getAsString();
                        OS << '\n';
                    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern: {
                        OS << "Pattern : " 
                        << Results[I].Pattern->getAsString() << '\n';
                std::cout << ccStr;
        void ProcessOverloadCandidates(clang::Sema &S, unsigned CurrentArg,
                                       clang::OverloadCandidate *Candidates,
                                       unsigned NumCandidates) {
        clang::CodeCompletionAllocator &getAllocator() override {
            return CCTUInfo.getAllocator();
        clang::CodeCompletionTUInfo &getCodeCompletionTUInfo() override { return CCTUInfo; }

    I made a little change to original ProcessCodeCompleteResults to output info to console.

    And my header files:

    #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
    #include <clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h>
    #include <clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h>
    #include <clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/LangOptions.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/SourceManager.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h>
    #include <clang/Basic/FileManager.h>
    #include <clang/Sema/Sema.h>
    #include <clang/Sema/CodeCompleteOptions.h>
    #include <clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h>
    #include <clang/Parse/ParseAST.h>
    #include <clang/AST/ASTContext.h>
    #include <clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h>
    #include <clang/AST/Decl.h>
    #include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
    #include <iostream>

    Remaining problems:

    • I didn't find interface to pass in string rather than filename
    • You may need extra effort to process the returned completions.

    Say we have two test files:


    void myFunc(int param) {
    int main() {
        int count = 5;
        return 0;


    void myFunc(int param) {
    int main() {
        int count = 5;
        return 0;

    Both lang++ -cc1 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at test2.cpp:7:4 test2.cpp and clang++ -cc1 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at test1.cpp:7:4 test1.cpp output same things:

    COMPLETION: _Nonnull
    COMPLETION: _Null_unspecified
    COMPLETION: _Nullable
    COMPLETION: bool
    COMPLETION: char
    COMPLETION: class
    COMPLETION: const
    COMPLETION: Pattern : const_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: count : [#int#]count
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#void#]delete <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#void#]delete [] <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: double
    COMPLETION: Pattern : dynamic_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: enum
    COMPLETION: extern
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#bool#]false
    COMPLETION: float
    COMPLETION: Pattern : goto <#label#>
    COMPLETION: long
    COMPLETION: main : [#int#]main()
    COMPLETION: myFunc : [#void#]myFunc(<#int param#>)
    COMPLETION: Pattern : new <#type#>(<#expressions#>)
    COMPLETION: Pattern : new <#type#>[<#size#>](<#expressions#>)
    COMPLETION: operator
    COMPLETION: Pattern : reinterpret_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: Pattern : return <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: short
    COMPLETION: signed
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#size_t#]sizeof(<#expression-or-type#>)
    COMPLETION: static
    COMPLETION: Pattern : static_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: struct
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#bool#]true
    COMPLETION: Pattern : typedef <#type#> <#name#>
    COMPLETION: Pattern : [#std::type_info#]typeid(<#expression-or-type#>)
    COMPLETION: Pattern : typename <#qualifier#>::<#name#>
    COMPLETION: Pattern : typeof <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: Pattern : typeof(<#type#>)
    COMPLETION: union
    COMPLETION: unsigned
    COMPLETION: Pattern : using namespace <#identifier#>
    COMPLETION: void
    COMPLETION: volatile
    COMPLETION: wchar_t

    Same with my implementation:

    COMPLETION: 65 Keyword : __FUNCTION__
    COMPLETION: 65 Keyword : __func__
    COMPLETION: 50 Decl : myFunc : [#void#]myFunc(<#int param#>)
    COMPLETION: 50 Decl : main : [#int#]main()
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : short
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : long
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : signed
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : unsigned
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : void
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : char
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : int
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : float
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : double
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : enum
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : struct
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : union
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : const
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : volatile
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : bool
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : class
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : wchar_t
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : auto
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : char16_t
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : char32_t
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : _Nonnull
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : _Null_unspecified
    COMPLETION: 50 Keyword : _Nullable
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : typedef <#type#> <#name#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : if(<#condition#>){<#statements#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : switch(<#condition#>){
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : while(<#condition#>){<#statements#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : do{<#statements#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : for(<#init-statement#>;<#condition#>;<#inc-expression#>){
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : return <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : goto <#label#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : using namespace <#identifier#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Keyword : extern
    COMPLETION: 40 Keyword : static
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#bool#]true
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#bool#]false
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : dynamic_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : static_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : reinterpret_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : const_cast<<#type#>>(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#std::type_info#]typeid(<#expression-or-type#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : new <#type#>(<#expressions#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : new <#type#>[<#size#>](<#expressions#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#void#]delete <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#void#]delete [] <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#std::nullptr_t#]nullptr
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#size_t#]alignof(<#type#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#bool#]noexcept(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#size_t#]sizeof...(<#parameter-pack#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : [#size_t#]sizeof(<#expression-or-type#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : typename <#qualifier#>::<#name#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : decltype(<#expression#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : typeof <#expression#>
    COMPLETION: 40 Pattern : typeof(<#type#>)
    COMPLETION: 40 Keyword : operator
    COMPLETION: 34 Decl : count : [#int#]count

    Though I have ordered them by priority

    You can refer to ASTUnit::CodeComplete and AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults in lib/Frontend/ASTUnit.cpp to learn more about the logic of clang_codeCompleteAt