I have this piece of Lua-Torch code and try to put into Python code. I have difficulty to understand the meaning result/process of:
= nn.Linear(size1
import 'nn'
import 'nngraph'
nh_t= nn.identity(d)
h_d= nn.identity(d)
size1= 5
t2h_d = nn.Linear(size1, 4 * size1)(h_t):annotate{name='ih_'..L}
d2h_d = nn.Linear(size1, 4 * size1)(h_d):annotate{name='hh_'..L}
t2h_d.data.module:share(shared_weights[1], 'weight', 'bias', 'grdWeight', 'grdBias')
d2h_d.data.module:share(shared_weights[2], 'weight', 'bias', 'grdWeight', 'grdBias')
Can somebody knows the equivalent in numpy python ?
This piece of code in LUA
t2h_d.data.module:share(shared_weights[1], 'weight', 'bias')
means t2h_d tensor will use the used stored in share_weights[1]
nn.Linear(size1, 4 * size1)(h_t):annotate{name='ih_'..L}
means a linear product W.h_t is done and the result is called ih_L, W has the following size: size1, 4 * size1
Those precisions are useful since LUA nn lacks of documentation.