As the title states, I haven't found a way to retrive either the name of the embedded object or its path (attached image)
In the example provided, I would like to get either the full path location or the 67CE8... name at least -since I know those are stored in the Temp folder-, so I could save them automatically by VBA.
I have tried ".SourceName", without luck since it seems only to get hyperlink (but there is no real hyperlink hence err 1004).
EDIT For code that was in comments:
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(Filename:= _ "https://...dummylink" _ , Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False).Select x = Selection.Name Selection.Verb Verb:=xlPrimary
It seems there's no other way than to work around with the temp files, I got an answer here (click) on a workaround code to do so, thanks again!