I'm trying to run android emulator with the command tns run android
. This starts the emulator but it keeps stuck on Android logo and I get the following error:
Total time: 17.013 secs
Project successfully built.
Using C:\(...)\sample-Groceries\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\sampleGroceries-debug.apk
Starting Android emulator with image Nexus6
Waiting for emulator device initialization..............Cannot run your app in the native emulator. Increase the timeout of the operation with the --timeout option or try to restart your adb server with 'adb kill-server' command. Alternatively, run the Android Virtual Device manager and increase the allocated RAM for the virtual device. (...)
Here is my Android Virtual Device configured:
AVD Manager
Note: I can run the application on my phone anyway, but not on my PC.
Finally I found the problem.
In Android Virtual Device Manager, there was an error I didn't see: