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How to relate a SKOS concept as the union of two other concepts

I am defining mappings between two concepts schemes, and have the following situation:

wp20:in a skos:Concept ;
    skos:scopeNote "A preposition or subordinating conjunction"@en .

pos:conjunction a skos:Concept .
pos:preposition a skos:Concept .

What I want to do is describe the scope note as RDF metadata. For example, something like:

wp20:in skos:exactMatch [
    a owl:unionOf ;
    skos:broadMatch pos:conjunction ;
    skos:exactMatch pos:preposition
] .

The above does not work as the domain and range of skos:*Match are skos:Concept objects (so it is also not possible to use skos:Collection types either). Additionally, the SKOS Mapping vocabulary is deprecated and has not been completed (although some of the mapping properties have been moved into SKOS Core).

How do I describe this relationship using SKOS vocabulary?


  • It seems from your comments that what you really want to state is the wp20:in is either a broader match of pos:conjunction or an exact match of pos:preposition. In that case, the representation can be:

    wp20:in skos:broadMatch pos:conjunction ;
            skos:exactMatch pos:preposition .

    This basically states that instances of wp20:in is "A preposition or subordinating conjunction", with the appropriate match relationship. That seems to fit your requirements.