Say that I have nodes ['a','b','c']
in the network, and the pairs are stored in a list:
[('a','b'), ('a','b'), ('b','a'), ('b','c'), ('a','c')]
I want to create a weighted network graph using NetworkX and matplotlib. Since the pair ('a','b') occurs 3 times (in an undirected network, ('b','a') also counts), while both ('b','c') and ('a','c') only occurs 1 time, I would like to change the width of the edges based on their weight.
Could anybody shed some light on this?
Something like this should work. Find out whether edge exists and if it does update the weights
default_weight = W
G = nx.Graph()
for nodes in node_list:
n0 = nodes[0]
n1 = nodes[1]
if G.has_edge(n0,n1):
G[n0][n1]['weight'] += default_weight
G.add_edge(n0,n1, weight=default_weight)