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Unable to install HTML5 drag and drop multi-file upload plugin in Grails 3.1.1

Has anybody has and success installing the HTML5 drag and drop multi-file upload plugin in a Grails 3 application.

I have mapped

compile "org.grails.plugins:uploadr:1.2.11"

in the build.grade file but then also getting this

| Error Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':testRuntime'. Type 'gradle dependencies' for more information

Can anybody help me to get me out. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • You need the Grails 3 version. See documentation here: and try

    dependencies {
      compile 'com.nayidisha.grails.uploadr:grails3-uploadr:3.0'

    instead of the Grails 2.x dependency you have above.