Having an issue with Firefox 46, on all the other browsers it work fine. Upon exit from the page I ask the following question. Firefox ignores it completely. Help please!
window.onbeforeunload = ThisCheckExittingPage;
var ThisCheckExitWindow = 1;
// Checks before exitting
// ThisCheckExitWindow = 1;
// Does NOT check before exitting
// ThisCheckExitWindow = 0;
function ThisCheckExittingPage() {
if (ThisCheckExitWindow == 1)
return "You are about to exit this page.";
This looks like by design, as WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload - Web APIs | MDN has this note:
To combat unwanted pop-ups, browsers may not display prompts created in beforeunload event handlers unless the page has been interacted with. Firefox has implemented this policy since Firefox 44 (Bugzilla).
As the relevant patch shows, the mUserHasInteracted
flag variable is set after a mouse or keyboard event happens in the window.