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'JSQSystemSoundPlayer/JSQSystemSoundPlayer.h' file not found

I have the 'JSQSystemSoundPlayer.h' located within my app:

enter image description here

However, this error persists:

enter image description here

And the PodFile:

platform :ios, ‘9.3’
target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'Firebase'
    pod 'JSQMessagesViewController'
    pod ‘JSQSystemSoundPlayer’


  • I don't believe you need to add pod 'JSQSoundPlayer' it is included with the JSQMessagesViewController pod but also you are using the wrong quotes around the JSQSoundPlayer that is why it's a different color you need the ` single quote not the tick ' . They look very similar. Sorry if that is confusing 🙃 if you can't find it just copy the previous line and change the contents. Good luck.