I'm trying to convert the following to pointfree style: a function that partially applies a value to the transformer function add
before passing in the collection to be iterated over. (Using Ramda.js)
)(1, [1,2,3])
The problem is that R.add
is arity 2, as is R.map
. I want the application order to be as follows:
map(add(1), [1,2,3])
[add(1,1), add(1,2), add(1,3)]
But what happens instead is this:
add(1, [1,2,3])
map(add(1, [1,2,3]))
<partially applied map, waiting for collection>
Anyone know of a way to specify this behavior?
A plain compose
or pipe
won't do this because either will absorb all the arguments supplied into the first function. Ramda includes two additional functions that help with this, converge
and useWith
. In this case useWith
is the one that will help:
useWith(map, [add, identity])(1, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [2, 3, 4]
While identity
is not absolutely required here, it gives the generated function the correct arity.