I need to calculate a measure called mutual information. First of all, I need to calculate another measure, called entropy, for example, the joint entropy of x and y:
-∬p(x,y)·log p(x,y)dxdy
So, to calculate p(x,y)
, I used the kernel density estimator (in this way, function kde2d
, and it returned the Z
values (probability of having x and y in that window).
Again, by now, I have a matrix of Z
values [1x100] x [1x100]
, that's equal my p(x,y)
. But I have to integrate it, by discovering the volume under the surface (doble integral). But I didn't found a way to do that. The function quad2d
, to compute the double quadrature didn't work, because I only integrated a numerical matrix p(x,y)
, and it gives me a constant....
Anyone knows something to find that volume/calculate the double integral?
The image of the plot from persp3d
Thanks everybody !!!!
Once you have the results from kde2d
, it is very straighforward to compute a numerical integral. The example session below sketches how to do it.
As you know, numerical double integral is just a 2D summation. The kde2d
, by default takes range(x)
and range(y)
as 2D domain. I see that you got a 100*100 matrix, so I think you have set n = 100
in using kde2d
. Now, kde$x
, kde$y
defines a 100 * 100 grid, with den$z
giving density on each grid cell. It is easy to compute the size of each grid cell (they are all equal), then we do three steps:
z * log(z)
; since z
is a 100 * 100 matrix, this is also a matrix. You simply sum them up, and multiply it by the cell size cell_size
, then you get a non-normalized entropy;## sample data: bivariate normal, with covariance/correlation 0
set.seed(123); x <- rnorm(1000, 0, 2) ## marginal variance: 4
set.seed(456); y <- rnorm(1000, 0, 2) ## marginal variance: 4
## load MASS
## domain:
xlim <- range(x)
ylim <- range(y)
## 2D Kernel Density Estimation
den <- kde2d(x, y, n = 100, lims = c(xlim, ylim))
z <- den$z ## extract density
## den$x, den$y expands a 2D grid, with den$z being density on each grid cell
## numerical integration is straighforward, by aggregation over all cells
## the size of each grid cell (a rectangular cell) is:
cell_size <- (diff(xlim) / 100) * (diff(ylim) / 100)
## normalizing constant; ideally should be 1, but actually only close to 1 due to discretization
norm <- sum(z) * cell_size
## your integrand: z * log(z) * (-1):
integrand <- z * log(z) * (-1)
## get numerical integral by summation:
entropy <- sum(integrand) * cell_size
## self-normalization:
entropy <- entropy / norm
The above code gives entropy of 4.230938
. Now, Wikipedia - Multivariate normal distribution gives entropy formula:
(k / 2) * (1 + log(2 * pi)) + (1 / 2) * log(det(Sigma))
For the above bivariate normal distribution, we have k = 2
. We have Sigma
(covariance matrix):
4 0
0 4
whose determinant is 16. Hence, the theoretical value is:
(1 + log(2 * pi)) + (1 / 2) * log(16) = 4.224171
Good match!