I'm attempting to get a list of pages by notebook from the OneNote REST API.
One option is to iterate over a list of sections and GET pages per section using /api/v1.0/notes/sections/[ID]/pages
Instead, to reduce the number of requests I'm filtering a call to /v1.0/me/notes/pages
by parentNotebook/id
but I'm getting, for example:
The query operation(s) parentNotebook/id eq [ID]
OR parentNotebook/id eq [ID] OR parentNotebook/id eq [ID] not supported.
Error #20106 states:
Your request contains a query operator that is not supported. See OneNote API reference.
My brief reference to the OData 4.0 docs leads me to believe that parentNotebook/id
is the correct syntax, so what am I doing wrong please?
So, it does work, if I do one at a time; the problem seems to be the OR
Can I change my filter to include multiple notebooks or should I be doing an API call per notebook?
Ironically when I did do a call per notebook I got my first http 429 throttling hand slap, though adding a 2 second pause between requests seemed to solve that.
Just tried the following in the interactive console and got back a successful 200 response.
GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/me/notes/pages?filter=parentNotebook/id eq '0-C6703B3BE9D6A5E0!317' or parentNotebook/id eq '0-D8E91FC12048CF4A!515'
*NOTE* replace the above notebook ids with your own ids.
So filtering on multiple notebooks using or expression is possible.