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Replicate Hibernate Eager loading using a fetch

I have a class called LocType which has 30 elements and a @OneToMany relation to LocProfile which has 40 elements. I have to do some calculations to figure which LocTypeProfile should be associated once a user picks a location, so it needs to be available at jsp side.

If I define the relationship for Eager initialization like below, when I retrieve elements from LocType it gives me 30 elements with the instances where one to many relationship stored in the list - which is the behavior I want.

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "LocType ", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) 
private List<LocTypeProfile > locTypeProfiles;

Now If I change the mapping to Lazy loading in the interest of good practice

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "creditTypes")

and try to query using a fetch

select lt from LocTypes lt left join fetch lt.locTypeProfiles

I get the 40 elements, where the data is flattened.

My question is is there a way to replicate the behavior of the Eager initialization in this scenario?


  • When doing a join fetch for a OneToMany relationship you need to use distinct in the select statement, otherwise an entity will be created for each row fetched.


    select distinct lt from LocTypes lt left join fetch lt.locTypeProfiles

    Reference: One-To-Many relationship gets duplicate objects whithout using “distinct”.Why?