I want to learn how to use NEON to split YUYV into Y, U, and V planes to later feed the data as OpenGL textures to the GPU.
Currently, I am doing it in C++ like this:
* TopOpenGL splitYuvPlanes()
* Purpose: splitYuvPlanes - Split YUYV into 3 arrays - one for each component
* @param data - input data
* @param size - input data size
* @param y - array to store output channels
* @param u - array to store output channels
* @param v - array to store output channels
void TopOpenGL::splitYuvPlanes(unsigned char *data, int size, unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v)
// This case takes RGBA -> BGRA
// __asm__ volatile(
// "mov r3, r3, lsr #3\n" /* Divide number of pixels by 8 because we process them 8 at a time */
// "loopRGBA:\n"
// "vld4.8 {d0-d3}, [r1]!\n" /* Load 8 pixels into d0 through d2. d0 = R[0-7], d1 = G[0-7], d2 = B[0-7], d3 = A[0-7] */
// "subs r3, r3, #1\n" /* Decrement the loop counter */
// "vswp d0, d2\n" /* Swap R and B channels */
// "vst4.8 {d0-d3}, [r2]!\n" /* Store the RGBA into destination 8 pixels at a time */
// "bgt loopRGBA\n"
// "bx lr\n"
// );
for ( int c = 0 ; c < ( size - 4 ) ; c+=4 ) {
*y = *data; // Y0
*u = *data; // U0
*u = *data; // U0
*y = *data; // Y1
*v = *data; // V0
*v = *data; // V0
How can I do this splitting into char *y, char *u, and char *v using NEON? Thank you.
I've found this blog, but it doesn't quite do what I want. http://blog.lumberlabs.com/2011/04/efficiently-splitting-cbcr-plane-with.html
The following code accomplishes the goal of splitting the YUYV frame into Y, U, and V planes.
/// This structure is passed to ARM Assembly code
/// to split the YUV frame into seperate planes for
/// OpenGL Consumption
typedef struct {
uchar *input_data;
uint32_t input_size;
uchar *y_plane;
uchar *u_plane;
uchar *v_plane;
} yuvSplitStruct;
void TopOpenGL::splitYuvPlanes(yuvSplitStruct *yuvStruct)
__asm__ volatile(
"PUSH {r4}\n" /* Save callee-save registers R4 and R5 on the stack */
"PUSH {r5}\n" /* r1 is the pointer to the input structure ( r0 is 'this' because c++ ) */
"ldr r0 , [r1]\n" /* reuse r0 scratch register for the address of our frame input */
"ldr r2 , [r1, #4]\n" /* use r2 scratch register to store the size in bytes of the YUYV frame */
"ldr r3 , [r1, #8]\n" /* use r3 scratch register to store the destination Y plane address */
"ldr r4 , [r1, #12]\n" /* use r4 register to store the destination U plane address */
"ldr r5 , [r1, #16]\n" /* use r5 register to store the destination V plane address */
"mov r2, r2, lsr #5\n" /* Divide number of bytes by 32 because we process 16 pixels at a time */
"vld4.8 {d0-d3}, [r0]!\n" /* Load 8 YUYV elements from our frame into d0-d3, increment frame pointer */
"vst2.8 {d0,d2}, [r3]!\n" /* Store both Y elements into destination y plane, increment plane pointer */
"vmov.F64 d0, d1\n" /* Duplicate U value */
"vst2.8 {d0,d1}, [r4]!\n" /* Store both U elements into destination u plane, increment plane pointer */
"vmov.F64 d1, d3\n" /* Duplicate V value */
"vst2.8 {d1,d3}, [r5]!\n" /* Store both V elements into destination v plane, increment plane pointer */
"subs r2, r2, #1\n" /* Decrement the loop counter */
"bgt loopYUYV\n" /* Loop until entire frame is processed */
"POP {r5}\n" /* Restore callee-save registers */
"POP {r4}\n"