I'm trying to run some automation tests in my application but the UFT Hidden-mode notification tooltip is coming in front of the objects in the screen, preventing my tests to run.
I know I can un-check the option "Display hidden-mode notification tooltip" in Remote Agent Settings to fix this issue and it works fine on my machine after I do this, but these tests are executed in other machines, by other users in my company, and it would be a real effort to tell each and everyone of them to change this setting on their machine.
Is it a way to disable this checkbox programmaticaly instead?
Here is a little more detail on where this is affecting me:
I'm testing a Web application and in some of my test cases I need to download a file from this application. I do that by clicking on "Save As" in the context menu which is displayed on a notification bar at the bottom of the browser.
Following is the portion of code to perform such operation:
Dim brwBottom
Set brwBottom = Browser("brw_Bottom_Save_As")
If brwBottom.WinObject("wo_Notification").WinButton("wb_Selector").Exist Then
brwBottom.WinMenu("wm_Selector").Select "Save As"
End If
This works fine on my machine because UFT notification is not being displayed, but in other machines where the UFT Notification is displayed, it overlaps the menu and my script is unable to select the "Save As" option. So, in case it is not possible to programmatically close this notification at runtime, is there any alternative solution to click on the "Save As" button, even with this notification overlapping it?
I managed to identify the UFT Notification tooltip and close it. With this, there is no more objects in front of the button I need to click and my script can be executed successfully. Following is the code used. I'm not marking this as the acceptable answer yet because I am still waiting for my team to accept the solution, but this works.
Dim brwBottom
Set brwBottom = Browser("brw_Bottom_Save_As")
' To close UFT Notification Tooltip, if exists
If Window("regexpwndtitle:=NotificationWindow").Exist(2) Then
If InStr(Window("regexpwndtitle:=NotificationWindow").GetROProperty("nativeclass"),"UFTRemoteAgent") > 0 Then
End If
End If
If brwBottom.WinObject("wo_Notification").WinButton("wb_Selector").Exist Then
brwBottom.WinMenu("wm_Selector").Select "Save As"
End If