I was developing a simple function to get the id's of my twitters followers. I am able to login using oauth and get the results but I am not able to get the headers info so that I can use the x_rate_limit_remaining value from the headers. The function is :
function get_id_of_followers() {
$access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];
$connection = new TwitterOauth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
$data0 = get_class_methods($connection);
echo "<pre> D0 ", print_r($data0, true), "</pre>";
$data1 = $connection->getLastXHeaders();
echo "<pre> D1 ", print_r($data1, true), "</pre>";
$data2 = $connection->getLastXHeaders()["x_rate_limit_remaining"];
// x_rate_limit_remaining is an entity in the headers that I am able to see with my python scripts in headers output.
echo "<pre> D2 ", $data2, "</pre>";
$data3 = $connection->get('followers/ids');
echo "<pre> D3 ", print_r($data3, true), "</pre>";
The Output from the function is as follows:
[0] => __construct
[1] => setOauthToken
[2] => getLastApiPath
[3] => getLastHttpCode
[4] => getLastXHeaders
[5] => getLastBody
[6] => resetLastResponse
[7] => url
[8] => oauth
[9] => oauth2
[10] => get
[11] => post
[12] => delete
[13] => put
[14] => upload
[15] => setTimeouts
[16] => setDecodeJsonAsArray
[17] => setUserAgent
[18] => setProxy
[19] => setGzipEncoding
stdClass Object
[ids] => Array
[0] => 730017479360045056
[1] => 4716372642
[2] => 709411090980020224
[3] => 4905437529
[4] => 709964576868200449
[5] => 228648311
[6] => 3190604329
[7] => 4298659035
[8] => 378112124
[9] => 4554579372
[10] => 3845238492
[11] => 3009354738
records retrived upto 5000
Now I am able to get the response(D3) however, Why is my headers(D2) array returning as null ? Am I missing something ? (Question also posted at https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth/issues/469)
You are making a very small mistake of trying to get the headers before making the request. Try this code (I am removing all the unwanted stuff from code)
function get_id_of_followers() {
$access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];
$connection = new TwitterOauth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
$Body = $connection->get('followers/ids');
$Header = $connection->getLastXHeaders();
echo "<pre> Body: ", print_r($Body, true), "</pre>";
echo "<pre> Header: ", print_r($Header, true), "</pre>";
echo "<pre> x_rate_limit_remaining: ", $Header[x_rate_limit_remaining], "</pre>";
All you had to do was to call the $connection->getLastXHeaders();
after the $connection->get('followers/ids');
call for things to work.