assume, we got the following variable containing a string:
text="All of this is one line. But it consists of multiple sentences. Those are separated by dots. I'd like to get this sentence."
I now need the last sentence "I'd like to get this sentence.". I tried using sed:
echo "$text" | sed 's/.*\.*\.//'
I thought it would delete everything up to the pattern .*.
. It doesn't.
What's the issue here? I'm sure this can be resolved rather fast, unfortunatly I did not find any solution for this.
Using awk you can do:
awk -F '\\. *' '{print $(NF-1) "."}' <<< "$text"
I'd like to get this sentence.
Using sed:
sed -E 's/.*\.([^.]+\.)$/\1/' <<< "$text"
I'd like to get this sentence.