Search code examples

How to create index search in CouchDB?

Assuming configuring couchDB locally, how and where to create the search index similarly to Cloudant on Bluemix?

enter image description here


  • The solution I was searching for for was based on this library.

    1. I had to install CouchDB 1.6.1 to have available database on http://localhost:5984,
    2. the next step was to install couchdb-lucene, which was running on http://localhost:5985 with successfull response. It is maven based app.


    To make it run I had to build it in the root directory with mvn and then navigate to target and run command ./bin/run in the unzipped couchdb-lucene:

    root@mario-VirtualBox:/home/mario/CouchDB_mario/couchdb-lucene/target/couchdb-lucene-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT# ./bin/run
    1. The next constraint was to connect these two servers together. And all I had to do was to map them via proxy in the /etc/couchdb/local.ini

    All what you need to have there is the following piece of code:

    _fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"http://localhost:5985">>}

    Thanks to which, I was able to finally query CouchDB using Apache Lucene indexing.

    1. Before querying I had to insert my custom JSON Design Document, not new design through the UI, neither new view, but new JSON Document. Essentially hacking CouchDB a little bit with faked design so that could support Lucene search. I've used CURL request with the following format

    curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/user14169_slovnik_medical/_design/medical -d @user14169_slovnik_medical.json

    Where the JSON Design Document looked like this:

       "_id": "_design/medical",
       "fulltext": {
           "by_meaning": {
               "index": "function(doc) { var ret=new Document(); ret.add(doc.vyznam); return ret }"
           "by_shortcut": {
               "index": "function(doc) { var ret=new Document(); ret.add(doc.zkratka); return ret }"
    1. As an example. Having this search index defined and let's say this type of data in the JSON Documents:
         "_id": "63e5c848fa2211c3b063d6feccd3d942",
         "_rev": "1-899a6924ed08097b1a37e497d91726fd",
         "DATAWORKS_DOCUMENT_TYPE": "user14169_slovnik_medical",
         "vyznam": "End to side",
         "zkratka": "e-t-s"

    Then you are easiliy able to achieve queries like this:


    Which returns the expected data: enter image description here

    The local prefix is because I am running the database on localhost on 1 node and by default couchdb-lucene is connecting to the localhost.

    The coolest thing is that you are able to use client API org.lightcouch jar library in Java and do some easy calls like this:

    CouchDbClient dbClient = new CouchDbClient("user14169_slovnik_medical", true, "http", "", 5984, null, null);
    String uriFullText = dbClient.getBaseUri() + "_fti/local/user14169_slovnik_medical/_design/medical/by_shortcut?q=lob*";
    JsonObject result = dbClient.findAny(JsonObject.class, uriFullText);