I'm trying to create a comments component with Blaze but i don't know how to handle the replies.
This is the schema for the 'comment' element:
_id, authorId, message, replies (those are comment ids), isReply (boolean).
Then I created a template with html
{{#each message}}
<div class="message">
<a class="button">Reply</a>
{{#each replies}}
<div class="message">
<a class="button">Reply</a>
Well, how do I handle the replies of the replies? Any Idea?
You need to use the templates recursively! An example
In your case, something like the following:
{{#each message}}
<div class="message">
<a class="button">Reply</a>
{{#each replies}}
{{> reply}}
<template name="reply">
<div class="message">
<a class="button">Reply</a>
{{#each replies}}
{{> reply}}
You'll need a replies
helper for the reply
template that gets the replies to that reply.