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Lambda form of tbb::parallel_reduce: constness in second rhs argument of reduce function

I'm playing around with build a histogram in parallel using parallel_reduce:

#include "stdint.h"
#include "tbb/tbb.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>

void buildhistogram(const uint8_t *inputImage, const size_t numElements, double *outputHist){

    auto range = tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,numElements);
    auto buildHistogramFcn = [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r, const std::vector<double>& initHist){
                            std::vector<double> localHist(initHist);
                            for (size_t idx = r.begin(); idx != r.end(); ++idx){
                             return localHist;

auto reductionFcn = [&](const std::vector<double>& hist1, const std::vector<double>& hist2){
    std::vector<double> histOut(hist1.size());
    return histOut;

std::vector<double> identity(256);
auto output = tbb::parallel_reduce(range, identity, buildHistogramFcn, reductionFcn);


My question concerns the definition of Func in the lambda form of parallel_reduce. If you look at the Intel documentation:

They document the second RHS argument of Func as being const:

Value Func::operator()(const Range& range, const Value& x)

However, if you look at their example code, they define an example where the second RHS is non-const, and in fact they modify and return this variable:

auto intelExampleFcn = [](const blocked_range<float*>& r, float init)->float {
        for( float* a=r.begin(); a!=r.end(); ++a )
            init += *a;
        return init;

If I try to declare the variable "initHist" as being non-const and work with this memory directly without allocating and returning a local copy:

auto buildHistogramFcn = [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r, std::vector<double>& initHist){
                        for (size_t idx = r.begin(); idx != r.end(); ++idx){
                         return initHist;

I get a compilation error:

/tbb/include/tbb/parallel_reduce.h:322:24: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'const (lambda at buildhistogramTBB.cpp:16:30)' my_value = my_real_body(range, const_cast(my_value));

I'm interested in whether the second RHS argument of the lambda can actually be non-const, because I'd like to be able to avoid making a copy of the vector from the init argument to a local variable that I return.

Am I misunderstanding something, or is Intel's example incorrect?


  • The second "non-const" argument in Intel's example is being passed by value. If you were to pass your initHist vector by value (as opposed to by reference), it would also not need const. (It would, of course, copy the vector. But this seems to be what you are doing anyway.)