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How to find the Employee deductions, Additions items from QuickBooks Desktop by c#?

For exporting employee timecard data into QuickBooks we can check the Earning items through the following c# code by using QBFC (Using 8.0)

QBFC8Lib.IEarnings earnings40 = null;
string ItemName = "Example_EarnType";
if(employeeRet.EmployeePayrollInfo.OREarnings != null)
    count = employeeRet.EmployeePayrollInfo.OREarnings.EarningsList.Count; 
if(count > 0)
    for (int j = 0; j <= count - 1; j++) 
        earnings40 = employeeRet.EmployeePayrollInfo.OREarnings.EarningsList.GetAt(j); 
        if(earnings40.PayrollItemWageRef.FullName.GetValue().ToLower() == itemname.ToLower())
            return true;

By using above code we can find the Employees Earning items easily. But How can we check the items that is in Additions/Deductions and map to them by c#?

Screenshot of QB UI view

enter image description here

Thanks in advance


  • That information is not available through the QBXML SDK.