I am using ADAL SDK(https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc) for integration my iOS app with ADFS for SSO implementation. I run demo code provide with above link.
As per as demo it's asking for following components to SOS implementation :-
According to ADAL SDK ,I need to register my app to ADFS as per as this tutorial (https://blog.kloud.com.au/2014/12/02/implementing-azure-active-directory-sso-single-sign-on-in-xamarin-ios-apps/). But i am not able to figured out how will register my app to ADFS.
I also tried to figure out with this link (loggin into an iOS app using a system with ADFS).
So the following question:-
Any help much appreciated.
After R&D, I am able to figure out how to get all points With ADFS.
Client Id :- it's a GUID.You can generate Online as well as , Generate GUID(http://www.guidgen.com/)
Redirect URI :- it's something related with Bundle Identifier(com.compName.MyTestApp), So after adding urn, Redirect URI is looking like this. Ex. @"urn:com.compName.MyTestApp".
ResourceId :- it's same as redirect uri in my case.
Authority Path :- it's ADFS login path url basically to authenticate with ADFS and get Access token. EX @"https.//myServer.com/adfs";
Note :- Please change URL Types as per as you bundle identifier in Info.plist file.
Some Link which helped me :-
SSO from ADAL in WPF Client to ADFS 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2
Hope it will help.