I have data and I am trying to fit a specific function to that data as follows:
schechter<-function(phi,alpha,Mstar) { 0.4*(log(10))*phi*(10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin)*(alpha+1)))*exp(-10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin))) }
f = fitModel(Vmax~0.4*(log(10))*phi*(10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin)*(alpha+1)))*exp(-10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin))), data=data_to_fit, start=list(phi=0.024, alpha=-0.67,Mstar=-24.5), control=nls.control(200), trace=TRUE, weights=std)
It works, when I delete weights from the code line. But then the fit is not good. Here is my fit without weights:
I have to use the weights to obtain a better fit, but I got an error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ..3 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
I tried also fitting my function with nls()
and nlsLM()
, but I didn't manage to fit my function.
Is there any solution of that problem?
I assume std
are standard deviations. That probably means you want to weight by 1/std
or even 1/std^2
data_to_fit <- data.frame(Mbin, Vmax, std)
f = nls(Vmax~0.4*(log(10))*phi*(10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin)*(alpha+1)))*exp(-10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin))),
data=data_to_fit, start=list(phi=0.024, alpha=-0.67,Mstar=-24.5),
control=nls.control(200), trace=TRUE)
f_weighted = nls(Vmax~0.4*(log(10))*phi*(10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin)*(alpha+1)))*exp(-10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin))),
data=data_to_fit, start=as.list(coef(f)),
control=nls.control(2000, minFactor = 1e-10), trace=TRUE,
weights = 1/std)
f_weighted_sq = nls(Vmax~0.4*(log(10))*phi*(10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin)*(alpha+1)))*exp(-10^(0.4*(Mstar-Mbin))),
data=data_to_fit, start=as.list(coef(f)),
control=nls.control(2000, minFactor = 1e-10), trace=TRUE,
weights = 1/std^2)
curve(log10(predict(f, newdata = data.frame(Mbin = x))), from = -28, to = 22,
add = TRUE)
curve(log10(predict(f_weighted, newdata = data.frame(Mbin = x))), from = -28, to = 22,
add = TRUE, col = "dark green")
curve(log10(predict(f_weighted_sq, newdata = data.frame(Mbin = x))), from = -28, to = 22,
add = TRUE, col = "dark blue")