I've written a small benchmark in QTest, and although I've used QBENCHMARK_ONCE.
Here some example code replicating the issue:
#ifndef MY_TEST_H
#define MY_TEST_H
#include <QtTest>
class MyTest : public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void test1();
#endif // MY_TEST_H
cpp file:
#include "mytest.h"
void MyTest::initTestCase() {
qDebug() << "init";
void MyTest::test1() {
qDebug() << "bench";
qDebug() << "test1";
Running "mytest" I get:
********* Start testing of MyTest *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.5.1, Qt 5.5.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.3.1 20160407)
QDEBUG : MyTest::initTestCase() init
PASS : MyTest::initTestCase()
QDEBUG : MyTest::test1() bench
QDEBUG : MyTest::test1() test1
QDEBUG : MyTest::test1() bench
QDEBUG : MyTest::test1() test1
PASS : MyTest::test1()
RESULT : MyTest::test1():
0 msecs per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1)
PASS : MyTest::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted
********* Finished testing of MyTest *********
I would like it to run once and only once. Some of the benchmarks take one Minute per iteration...
I'm using CMake with make back-end on Linux. They test classes get compiled into separate executables. Since ctest doesn't give me useful output, I run them directly, i.e., "# ./mytest"
//Addition: CMakeLists.txt
find_package(Qt5Test REQUIRED)
add_executable(mytest "test/mytest.cpp")
add_test(mytest mytest)
target_link_libraries(mytest Qt5::Test)
Apparently, this is intended behavior in order to mitigate the impact of initialization and caches on the result:
I think they should add that to the documentation though. Or name the macro less confusingly.