Let's say I have model "Question".
Every question is created by user (current user).
How to "auto" update createdBy
to current.user
In Doctrine2 I should have event listener with dependency on security.context
And event will subscribe for preSave()
, setting $question->setCreatedBy( $context->getToken()->getUser());
How to achieve this with Propel2 ? I could set createdBy
in controller, but this is ugly :(
I could write custom behavior, but how to access security.context
from the behavior ?
After ~ half year I found working solution :)
Idea: Model will have setter injection for Event Dispatcher
. On pre-save
model will fire event (validation/user injection etc..). This way I require ED for save. I can select objects from the DB without injected ED.
Dependency manager will manage "repository". Repo will be able to inject all required dependencies on the model and then call save.
Witch will do:
Example of Model:
class Lyric extends BaseLyric
private $eventDispacher;
public function preSave(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
if (!$this->validate()) {
// throw exception
return parent::preSave($con);
private function getEventDispacher()
if ($this->eventDispacher === null) {
throw new \Exception('eventDispacher not set');
return $this->eventDispacher;
public function setEventDispacher(EventDispacher $eventDispacher)
$this->eventDispacher = $eventDispacher;
private function notifyPreSave(Lyric $lyric)
$event = new LyricEvent($lyric);
$this->getEventDispacher()->dispatch('tekstove.lyric.save', $event);
Example of Repository:
class LyricRepository
private $eventDispacher;
public function __construct(EventDispacher $eventDispacher)
$this->eventDispacher = $eventDispacher;
public function save(Lyric $lyric)
Example usage from controller:
public function postAction(Request $request)
$repo = $this->get('tekstove.lyric.repository');
$lyric = new \Tekstove\ApiBundle\Model\Lyric();
try {
// return ....
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
Example config:
class: Tekstove\ApiBundle\Model\Lyric\LyricRepository
arguments: ["@tekstove.event_dispacher"]
Config is based on symfony framework. Real implementation:
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