I am trying to use the following code in GCC. It is throwing errors(I guess because of __asm
). Why is this simple and easy format is not working in GCC? Syntax of extended assembly is provided here. I am getting confused, when it comes to use of more variables in the inline assembly. Can some one convert the following program to appropriate form and give necessary explanation where ever there is use of variables.
int time, subtime;
float x = 5.0f;
__asm {
mov subtime, eax
sub eax, subtime
mov subtime, eax // Only the last value of subtime is kept
// subtime should now represent the overhead cost of the
// MOV and CPUID instructions
fld x
fld x
cpuid // Serialize execution
rdtsc // Read time stamp to EAX
mov time, eax
fdiv // Perform division
cpuid // Serialize again for time-stamp read
sub eax, time // Find the difference
mov time, eax
Your question is effectively a code conversion question, which is generally off-topic for Stackoverflow. An answer however may be beneficial to other readers.
This code is a conversion of the original source material, and is not meant as an enhancement. The actual FDIV/FDIVP and the FLD can be reduced to a single FLD and a FDIV/FDIVP since you are dividing a float value by itself. As Peter Cordes points out though, you can just load the top of stack with a value 1.0 with FLD1. This would work since dividing any number by itself (besides 0.0) will take the same time as dividing 5.0 by itself. This would remove the need for passing the variable x
into the assembler template.
The code you are using is a variation of what was documented by Intel 20 years ago for the Pentium IIs. A discussion of what is going on for that processor is described. The variation is that the code you are using doesn't do the warm up described in that document. I do not believe this mechanism will work overly well on modern processors and OSes (be warned).
The code in question is intended to measure time it takes for a single FDIV instruction to complete. Assuming you actually want to convert this specific code you will have to use GCC extended assembler templates. Extended assembler templates are not easy to use for a first time GCC developer. For assembler code you might even consider putting the code into a separate assembly file, assemble it separately, and call it from C.
Assembler templates use input constraints and output constraints to pass data into and out of the template (unlike MSVC).It also uses a clobber list to specify registers that may have been altered that don't appear as an input or output. By default GCC inline assembly uses ATT syntax instead of INTEL.
The equivalent code using extended assembler with ATT syntax could look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int time, subtime;
float x = 5.0f;
int temptime;
__asm__ (
"mov %%eax, %[subtime]\n\t"
"sub %[subtime], %%eax\n\t"
"mov %%eax, %[subtime]\n\t"
/* Only the last value of subtime is kept
* subtime should now represent the overhead cost of the
* MOV and CPUID instructions */
"flds %[x]\n\t"
"flds %[x]\n\t" /* Alternatively use fst to make copy */
"cpuid\n\t" /* Serialize execution */
"rdtsc\n\t" /* Read time stamp to EAX */
"mov %%eax, %[temptime]\n\t"
"fdivp\n\t" /* Perform division */
"cpuid\n\t" /* Serialize again for time-stamp read */
"sub %[temptime], %%eax\n\t"
"fstp %%st(0)\n\t" /* Need to clear FPU stack before returning */
: [time]"=a"(time), /* 'time' is returned via the EAX register */
[subtime]"=r"(subtime), /* return reg for subtime */
[temptime]"=r"(temptime) /* Temporary reg for computation
This allows compiler to choose
a register for temporary use. Register
only for BOTH so subtime and temptime
calc are based on a mov reg, reg */
: [x]"m"(x) /* X is a MEMORY reference (required by FLD) */
: "ebx", "ecx", "edx"); /* Registers clobbered by CPUID
but not listed as input/output
operands */
time = time - subtime; /* Subtract the overhead */
printf ("%d\n", time); /* Print total time of divide to screen */
return 0;