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dynamically change ng-repeat filter using params from ui-sref

So I have a custom filter set up in my ng-repeat list which I can change dynamically using different buttons with the same page.

My question is, how do I go about changing this filter, with a value outside of the page.

To clarify, I have an ng-repeat list on my 'list.view.html' and I would like to be able to press a button on my homepage, which includes a filter value, and load the 'list.view.html' with the filtered results including the param of the button on my homepage.

To iterate further,

above my ng-repeat on list.view.html, I include buttons like so:

<button class="sortBy" ng-click="myFilter =  { statusOpen : true }">Open</button>

Which updates my ng-repeat to only include items where the statusOpen boolean evaluates to true.

Here is the filter in my ng-repeat

<li class="list-group-item animate-repeat" data-ng-repeat="task in vm.tasks | filter:search | filter:myFilter>

How would I achieve the same result by clicking a button on the homepage which routes to the list.view.html page with filtered results?

I have tried setting a param filter in the controller for the list.view.html however I couldn't get it to work.

e.g <a ui-sref="tasks.list({ myFilter = { onlineTask : 'true' } })"> on my homepage and :: on my client.routes.js

 params: {
       myFilter: null

console error message

angular.js:11706 Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '=' is unexpected, expecting [:] at column 12 of the expression [{ myFilter = { onlineTask : 'true' } }] starting at [= { onlineTask : 'true' } }].$parse/syntax?p0=%3D&p1=is%20unexpected%2C%20expecting%20%5B%3A%5D&p2=12&p3=%7B%20myFilter%20%3D%20%7B"

I am just looking for some general direction on how to proceed with this please.

Thanks very much in advance


  • I think that setting needed params in angular-ui filter is the best way to achive what you want.

    You just have to remember to:

    1. Set up you URL properly (include param in URL) and process params using $stateParams service in yout controller. You may use array if you have more then one filter:

      .state('search', {
        url: "/search/?myFilter",
        templateUrl: 'search.html',
        controller: function ($stateParams) {
        // Get filter(s)
    2. Properly assign your params in ui-sref (use colon!):

      <a ui-sref="filter({ myFilter: ['filter1','filter2'] })">Go and filter</a>

    See example: