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How fire event when item expanded?

I use in my angularjs project bootstrap accordion.

Here is working plunker

When I expand accordion I want to fire function in my controller named fireOnExpand and pass the appropriate Id of the group to the function.

Here is how I use accordion:

  <div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
      <uib-accordion-group heading="{{group.title}}" ng-repeat="group in groups" ng-init="isOpen = $first" is-open="isOpen">

          <span ng-click="fireOnExpand()"></span>
          <div class="text-center text-info">
        {{group.content}} {{test}}

Here is items from controller that displayed:

  $scope.groups = [
    {Id: 5, title: "Dynamic-1", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 1"}, 
    {Id: 8, title: "Dynamic-2", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 2"}, 
    {Id: 1, title: "Dynamic-3", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 3"},
    {Id: 3, title: "Dynamic-4", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 4"}];

Here the function in controller that I wont to fire on expand:

  $scope.fireOnExpand = function() 

For example:

If accordion item with header text "Dynamic-2" was expanded I want trigger fireOnExpand event handler and pass to the event appropriate Id(i.e. Id=8).

How can I fire function fireOnExpand and pass appropriate Id parameter when accordion item is expanded?


  • see Event Bubbling

    change this

    <span ng-click="fireOnExpand()"></span>
    <div class="text-center text-info">


    <span ng-click="fireOnExpand(group.Id)"> 
         <div class="text-center text-info">

    if you want to execute fireOnExpand on header text only, then move the ng-click to strong tag

          <div class="text-center text-info">
               <strong ng-click="fireOnExpand(group.Id)">{{group.title}}</strong>
