create external table transaction_usa_canada
tran_id int,
acct_id int,
tran_date string,
amount double,
description string,
branch_code string,
product string,
tran_state string,
tran_city string,
speendby string,
tran_zip int,
source_table string
row format delimited
stored as textfile
location '/user/DSNew18/Bank_DS18/tran_usa_canada';
INSERT INTO TABLE myproject.transaction_usa_canada
SELECT tran_id, acct_id, tran_date, amount, description, branch_code,'', tran_state, tran_city, speendby, tran_zip, 'usa' AS source_table FROM transaction_usanew18
SELECT tran_id, acct_id, tran_date, amount, description, branch_code,'', tran_state, tran_city, speendby, tran_zip, 'canada' AS source_table FROM transaction_canadanew18;
Above is my query to insert into an external table in hive by combining 2 other external tables. Everything runs fine. Just the problem is that the data that is getting stored in the table is not comma separated. What changes I should make in order to get data in a comma seperated format.
Add in create table
CREATE Table table(
row format delimited