I have an ImageView that is twice the height of a normale screen ( 960 dip). I would like to scroll it nicely up and down on the screen. The bottom of the screen should contain a button. I have tried various combinations of ScrollView and Imageviews without any success. I have also thinkered with the :isScrollContainer attribute without results. Anyone knows how to do this? Cheers, Luca
@cV2 Thank you so much for that code. It got me going in the direction I needed. Here's my modified version which stops scrolling at the edges of the image...
// set maximum scroll amount (based on center of image)
int maxX = (int)((bitmapWidth / 2) - (screenWidth / 2));
int maxY = (int)((bitmapHeight / 2) - (screenHeight / 2));
// set scroll limits
final int maxLeft = (maxX * -1);
final int maxRight = maxX;
final int maxTop = (maxY * -1);
final int maxBottom = maxY;
// set touchlistener
ImageView_BitmapView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener()
float downX, downY;
int totalX, totalY;
int scrollByX, scrollByY;
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event)
float currentX, currentY;
switch (event.getAction())
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
downX = event.getX();
downY = event.getY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
currentX = event.getX();
currentY = event.getY();
scrollByX = (int)(downX - currentX);
scrollByY = (int)(downY - currentY);
// scrolling to left side of image (pic moving to the right)
if (currentX > downX)
if (totalX == maxLeft)
scrollByX = 0;
if (totalX > maxLeft)
totalX = totalX + scrollByX;
if (totalX < maxLeft)
scrollByX = maxLeft - (totalX - scrollByX);
totalX = maxLeft;
// scrolling to right side of image (pic moving to the left)
if (currentX < downX)
if (totalX == maxRight)
scrollByX = 0;
if (totalX < maxRight)
totalX = totalX + scrollByX;
if (totalX > maxRight)
scrollByX = maxRight - (totalX - scrollByX);
totalX = maxRight;
// scrolling to top of image (pic moving to the bottom)
if (currentY > downY)
if (totalY == maxTop)
scrollByY = 0;
if (totalY > maxTop)
totalY = totalY + scrollByY;
if (totalY < maxTop)
scrollByY = maxTop - (totalY - scrollByY);
totalY = maxTop;
// scrolling to bottom of image (pic moving to the top)
if (currentY < downY)
if (totalY == maxBottom)
scrollByY = 0;
if (totalY < maxBottom)
totalY = totalY + scrollByY;
if (totalY > maxBottom)
scrollByY = maxBottom - (totalY - scrollByY);
totalY = maxBottom;
ImageView_BitmapView.scrollBy(scrollByX, scrollByY);
downX = currentX;
downY = currentY;
return true;
I'm sure it could be refined a bit, but it works pretty well. :)