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How to prove sset (cycle xs) = set xs

When working with Isabelle’s infinite stream data type, I need this obviously true lemma, but I am unable to figure out how to prove it (as I am not well versed with coinduction yet). How would I go about proving it?

lemma sset_cycle[simp]:
  "xs ≠ [] ⟹ sset (cycle xs) = set xs"


  • Instead of induction over n and using op !! as proposed by Manuel Eberl you can also do induction directly over sset (with rule sset_induct):

    lemma sset_cycle [simp]:
      assumes "xs ≠ []" 
      shows "sset (cycle xs) = set xs"
    proof (intro set_eqI iffI)
      fix x
      assume "x ∈ sset (cycle xs)"
      from this assms show "x ∈ set xs"
        by (induction "cycle xs" arbitrary: xs rule: sset_induct) (case_tac xs; fastforce)+
      fix x
      assume "x ∈ set xs"
      with assms show "x ∈ sset (cycle xs)"
       by (metis UnI1 cycle_decomp sset_shift)