I am using below control for select element
I am facing below issue for this control.
Code for Bind the control:
<div id="current-command" custom-select ng-model="vm.currentCommand" cs-options="c as c.label for c in vm.availableCommands track by c.id"></div>
I set the value and selected some value in controller. But while page rendering select control does not select any value.
$scope.availableCommands = [
{ id: 'edit', label: 'Edit' },
{ id: 'open', label: 'Open' },
{ id: 'close', label: 'Close' }
$scope.currentCommand = $scope.availableCommands[2]; //This thing not working properly
This functionality working in angular 1.2.2 version but i want to use 1.5.5 version only.
I find out the solution..
attribute was dropped on version 2. The equivalent is set directly on the custom-select
attribute. No need to use track by
, We need to follow below HTML code to something like:
<div id="current-command" custom-select="c as c.label for c in availableCommands" ng-model="currentCommand"></div>