I am currently working with a series of .txt files I am importing into MATLAB. For simplicity, I'll show my problem conceptually. Obligatory, I'm new to MATLAB (or programming in general).
These .txt files contain data from tracking a ROI in a video (frame-by-frame) with time ('t') in the first column and velocity ('v') in the second as shown below;
T1 = T2 = etc.
t v t v
0 NaN 0 NaN
0.1 100 0.1 200
0.2 200 0.2 500
0.3 400 0.3 NaN
0.4 150
0.5 NaN
The time column is the same for each of these files so I wanted to organise data in a table as follows;
time v1 v2 etc.
0 NaN NaN
0.1 100 200
0.2 200 500
0.3 400 NaN
0.4 150 0
0.5 NaN 0
Note that I want to add 0s (or NaN) to end of shorter trials to fix the issue of size differences.
Both solutions worked well for my dataset. I appreciate all the help!
I would suggest the use of the padarray
and horzcat
functions. They respectively :
s work too).First, try to obtain the length of the longest vector you have to concatenate. Let's call this value max_len
. Once you have that, you can then pad each vector by doing :
v1 = padarray(v1, max_len - length(v1), 0, 'post');
% You can replace the '0' by any value you want !
Finally, once you have vectors of the same size, you can concatenate them using horzcat
big_table = horzcat(v1, v2, ... , vn);