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hbase NameError: uninitialized constant IS_MOB

I am a user of hbase-0.98.18-hadoop2, when I try to create a table:

create 'MOBTable', {NAME => 'columFamily', VERSION => 1, IS_MOB => true, MOB_THRESHOLD => 102400}

there is an error:

NameError: uninitialized constant IS_MOB

But I have add the following line to hbase-site.xml:


in order to support Hfile version3. However the problem still exist. how can I solve this problem?


  • Apache HBase's MOB feature is not available in your version of hbase-0.98.18. It has so far only been added into the 2.0.0 release upstream, via the work done by Apache HBase has yet to make a public release with MOB feature included.

    You can perhaps try using CDH included Apache HBase, which has the MOB feature back-ported and supported in it from version CDH 5.4.0 onwards: