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Dynamic Array - Finding Capacity

I have been looking through the std::vectors source code and looking at how it's capacity (vector.capacity()) function works, i'm not quite understanding how i would implement it into my Dynamic array source code. I would not just be returning the current container size would i. e.g dynarray.size(). ,Thanks

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator> 
#pragma once
template<typename T>
class DynamicArrayIter
    DynamicArrayIter(T* data) : newData(data) { }
    //DynamicArrayIter(const DynamicArrayIter& o);                   // Copy constructor
    //DynamicArrayIter& operator=(const DynamicArrayIter& o);        // Assignment operator
    DynamicArrayIter operator++() { DynamicArrayIter i = *this;newData++; return i;}
    DynamicArrayIter operator++(int junk) {newData++;return *this; }
    T&   operator*() {return *newData; }                   
    bool operator==(const DynamicArrayIter& rhs) {return newData == rhs.newData; }
    bool operator!=(const DynamicArrayIter& rhs) { return newData != rhs.newData;}
    DynamicArrayIter<T> operator+(int _i)
        DynamicArrayIter<T> iter = *this;
        for (int i = 0; i < _i; ++i)
            if (iter.newData) //If there's something to move onto...
        return iter; //Return regardless of whether its valid...
    T* newData;

template<typename T>
class DynamicArray
    DynamicArray<T> operator=(const DynamicArray<T>&);//Dynamic Array equals Dynamic Array
    void push_back(const T&);//Push back a new element into the DynArray
    void pop_back();//Pop an element off the back of the DynArray
    void print();//Prints out what is in the container
    bool empty();//Empty the DynArray container
    void reserve(int);//Reserver a size of which the Dynarray can reach, once it reachers the limit it will increase etc.
    void resize(int);//resize the Dynrray container data will be carried into the new size either cutting off eccess data or reserving space for more.
    void swap(DynamicArray<T>);//Swap the contents in the Dynarray with another Dynarray containers.
    void assign(size_t,T);//Assign new content to the Dynarray, replacing the current elements and changing its size accordingly
    void assign(DynamicArrayIter<T>, DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Assign new content to the Dynarray, replacing the current elements and changing its size accordingly
    void insert(DynamicArrayIter<T>,T);//Insert a element at a certain positon elements will be moved and adjusted accordingly
    void erase(DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Erase an element at a certain postion
    void erase(DynamicArrayIter<T>,DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Erase an element at a certain postion
    T& at(int );// Element postion at index
    T& front();//elements t postion
    T& back();//elements back position
    T& operator[] (int);//subscript location access
    size_t capacity();//capacity of the container
    size_t max_size();//max size of the vontainer
    DynamicArrayIter<T> begin();//Begin on the container/DynArray - Iterator uses this to grab the begin of the Dynarray
    DynamicArrayIter<T> end();//End on the container/DynArray - Iterator uses this to grab the End of the Dynarray
    void clear();//Clear the whole container
    int size();//Size of the current container returns sizeofarray
    T* myArray;//Where data is stored
    int sizeofarray = 0;//size of the current container

template<typename T>
inline DynamicArray<T> DynamicArray<T>::operator=(const DynamicArray<T>&newDynArray)
    myArray = new T[newDynArray.size()];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newDynArray.size(); i++)//will make the current array the size of the new one
        myArray[i] = newDynArray.myArray[i];//Current Dynarray = the pass in Dynarray - Steps through changign each element
    return newDynArray;//return the passed data

template<typename T>
inline DynamicArray<T>::DynamicArray()
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//Creating a new Dynarray of size

template<typename T>
inline DynamicArray<T>::~DynamicArray()
    delete[] myArray;//deleting the Dynarray

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::push_back(const T& pusheddata)
        T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp array with the value of the current Dynarray
        myArray = new T[++sizeofarray];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of current size + 1 // Size is being incremented from this
        myArray[sizeofarray - 1] = pusheddata;//Pushing the element onto the back of the Array
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeofarray - 1; ++i)//It is sizearray - 1 as we dont the temp does not have the data we just pushed onto the back
            myArray[i] = temp[i];//going through a loop putting the data from the temp we created back into the DynArray.

        delete[] temp;//delete the temp


template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::pop_back()
    T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp array with the value of the current Dynarray
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray--];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of current size - 1 // Size is being decreased from this
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeofarray; ++i)
        myArray[i] = temp[i];//Dynarray equals the temp values
    delete[] temp;//Delete the temp


template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::print()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++)
        std::cout << myArray[i] << std::endl;//Just looping through and printing the element until it hits size.


template<typename T>
inline bool DynamicArray<T>::empty()
    if (size() == 0)
        return true;//return true if size is 0
    return false;//return flase if size >=1

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::reserve(int r_size)
    sizeofarray = r_size;//size = the reserve size


template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::resize(int newsize)
    T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp with the current Dynarray inside of it
    myArray = new T[newsize];//Dynarray = a new Dynarray of size (newsize)
    for (int i = 0; i < newsize; ++i) 
        myArray[i] = temp[i];//Setting the Dynarrays elements to the temps
    for (int i = sizeofarray; i < newsize; i++)
        myArray[i] = NULL;//Set the elements outside the size allowed to NULL
    sizeofarray = newsize;//Size = new size
    delete[] temp;//delete the temp

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::swap(DynamicArray<T> newSwap)
    clear();//clear the current Dynarray
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newSwap.sizeofarray; i++)
        myArray[i] = newSwap.myArray[i];//Newly cleared Dynarray elements = passed in swapped data
        sizeofarray++;//increment the size

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::assign(size_t n, T val)
    clear();//Clear the Dynarray
    myArray = new T[n];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of size_t n
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)//for i < size_t n
        myArray[i] = val;//Dynarray  = val passed through
        sizeofarray++;//increment the size of the Dynarray

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::assign(DynamicArrayIter<T> first, DynamicArrayIter<T> last)
    int n = 0;//temp size holder
    for (DynamicArrayIter<T> iter = first; iter != last; ++iter) {
        n++;//increment the temp size holder
    clear();//clear the Dynarray
    myArray = new T[n];//Make a new Dynarray and its size is the temp size holders
    for (DynamicArrayIter<T> newiter = first; newiter != last; ++newiter) {
        myArray[sizeofarray] = *newiter;//Iterate through and set each element to the value passed in
        sizeofarray++;//incremenet the size

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::insert(DynamicArrayIter<T> position, T val)
    int sizeofthis = 0;//temp size holder for iter
    int j = 0;//Index position // increments when position is meet
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = begin(); iter != position; ++iter){
        ++sizeofthis;//increase the temp size holder fo riter
    T *temp = myArray;//Create a new temp Dynarray
    sizeofarray += 1;//temp size hodler + 1
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of temp size holder for iter
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++)
        if (i == sizeofthis)//if the for loops i = tempsize holders
            myArray[sizeofthis] = val;//Dynarray element = val being passed in
            j++;//Index pos ++
        myArray[i + j] = temp[i];//Dynarray = Temps values // Will change when inserted pos is reached // dynamically chagne size
    delete[] temp;//delete temp

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::erase(DynamicArrayIter<T> position)
    int sizeofthis = 0;//temp size holder for iter
    int j = 0;//index pos//increments wehn pos is met
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = begin(); iter != position; ++iter) {
        ++sizeofthis;//increment the temp size holder
    T *temp = myArray;//temp = current Dynarray
    sizeofarray -= 1;//size decreased by 1
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//new Dynarray of the new size
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++)
        if (i == sizeofthis)//if the loops i reaches the temp size holders value
            myArray[sizeofthis] = myArray[sizeofthis + 1];//Dynarray at sizeoftihs = Dynarrays next element
            j++;//index pos ++
        myArray[i] = temp[i + j];//Dynarray = the temp[idexpos will be greater > 0 if i == sizeofthis]

    delete[] temp;//delete the temp


template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::erase(DynamicArrayIter<T> first, DynamicArrayIter<T> last)
    int sizeofthis = 0;
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = first; iter != last; ++iter) {
    T *temp = myArray;
    sizeofarray = sizeofarray - sizeofthis - 1;
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++)
        if (i < sizeofthis)
            myArray[sizeofthis - 1 + i] =NULL;
        myArray[i] = temp[i];

    delete[] temp;


template<typename T>
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::at(int place)
    return myArray[place];//return the element at place

template<typename T>
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::front()
    return myArray[0];//return the first element in the array

template<typename T>
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::back()
    return myArray[sizeofarray];//return the last element in the array

template<typename T>
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::operator[](int place)
    return myArray[place];//return  the element at place using subscript operator instead of

template<typename T>
inline size_t DynamicArray<T>::capacity()
    return back() - front();//

template<typename T>
inline size_t DynamicArray<T>::max_size()
    return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();

template<typename T>
inline DynamicArrayIter<T> DynamicArray<T>::begin()
    return DynamicArrayIter<T>(myArray);

template<typename T>
inline DynamicArrayIter<T> DynamicArray<T>::end()
    return DynamicArrayIter<T>(myArray + sizeofarray - 1);

template<typename T>
inline void DynamicArray<T>::clear()
    sizeofarray = 0;
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];
    myArray[0] = NULL;

template<typename T>
inline int DynamicArray<T>::size()
    return sizeofarray;


  • size() returns the number of elements that are held by the container while capacity is how many elements it can hold before more space must be allocated. So capacity can be greater than the size of the vector.

    In your implementation, you have to create one more member capacity that will store the actual size of allocated array whereas size will hold the number of elements the container is holding.