I'm trying to make a timer countdown, I believe I have all the pieces there its just keeps giving me this error when whenever I test it.
Any idea what's going on?
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class MainTimer extends MovieClip {
private var currentMin:int;
private var currentSec:int;
private var oneSecondTimer:Timer = new Timer (1000,1);
public var timeHasStopped:Boolean=false;
public function MainTimer() {
// constructor code
trace("the main timer is here");
currentMin = 2;
currentSec = 5;
minBox.text = String(currentMin);
if(currentSec < 10)
secBox.text = "0" + String(currentSec);
else {
secBox.text = String(currentSec);
oneSecondTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onTimerComplete);
private function onTimerComplete(event:TimerEvent):void {
currentSec = currentSec -1;
if(currentSec <0)
currentSec =59;
currentMin -=1;
} //end if
if(currentMin < 0) {
currentMin =0;
currentSec =0;
timerHasStopped = true;
minBox.text =String(currentMin);
secBox.text =String(currentSec);
if(currentSec <10)
secBox.text = "0" + String(currentSec);
} // Ends Function
} // Ends Class
} // Ends Package
A functon must have opening {
braces and must be closed with a }
before you make another new function. Your } // Ends Function
should be placed after the line oneSecondTimer.start();
and from there onwards you can define you other second function function onTimerComplete
It might help if you indent your code so you can see easily where things begin & end (use TAB
An example of your indented code would be like below (texts removed), see how this structure makes it easier to see braces & therefore spot any missing or extra braces?
public function MainTimer()
// constructor code
if(currentSec < 10)
} //Ends function called MainTimer
private function onTimerComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
if(currentSec <0)
} //end if
if(currentMin < 0)
if(currentSec <10)
} //Ends function called onTimerComplete