beforeSend: function()
// for example i need get current id form here how can ?
// codes
uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete)
// codes
success: function()
// codes
complete: function(xhr)
// codes
I used 2 forms by different id in my page.for example :
<form id="sample1"></form>
<form id="sample2"></form>
i need get current form id in $('form').ajaxForm . how can do that ?
With the help of @a.4j4vv1 answer, here's a complete solution:
var currentform; //declare variable here
$("form[id^='sample']").ajaxForm ({ //"form[id^='sample']" means all forms with id starting with the word 'sample'
beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm) {
currentform = jqForm[0]; //retrieve form and assign variable here
beforeSend: function() {
console.log("Ajax BeforeSend from "+currentform.id);
uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete) {
console.log("Ajax uploadProgress from "+currentform.id);
success: function() {
console.log("Ajax success from "+currentform.id);
complete: function(xhr) {
console.log("Ajax complete from "+currentform.id);