I have a
class Main(QtGui.QMainWindow):
That is able to click>spawn a x number of windows that are:
class dataWindow(QtGui.QWidget)
Is there a way in PyQt to now find all spawned dataWindow's and get their objectName? each window has unique objectName. I tried going via :
a= self.findChild(QWidget, self.newDataWids[0]["window_name"]) - as I have all names stored in dict upon creation
but it only returns None. I think its because the dataWindow are not parented to Main window class I believe... so I either have to parent them - not sure how. Or somehow find them out in the "wild"...
Any ideas would be great.
Regards, Dariusz
Edit_1: A glitch in my code bugged out my current attempt. After relooking I managed to get it to work. I simply stored the window in temporary dictionary and then used that to retrieve access to window.
You parent objects by passing in the parent to their constructor. You'll have to check the documentation for each widget to get the correct argument position.
widget = QtGui.QWidget(self)
btn = QtGui.QPushButton('Button Text', self)
But really, you shouldn't have to do a search for children to get the child windows. Your main window should be keeping handles to them.
def __init__(...)
self._windows = []
def createSubWindow(self):
window = WindowClass(self)